FORME Medical Center Wins the Westchester Community Care Award

September 17, 2018 – For Immediate Release

White Plains, New York
-Formé Medical Center and Urgent Care is very proud to announce that they have been awarded with theWestchester Community Care Award sponsored by United Healthcare of New York. Formé Medical Center, was one of three finalists invited to present their project in front of the judges last Thursday, September 13th, at the Crowne Plaza in Downtown White Plains. The judges evaluated the project based on the following criteria such; community impact, creativity, and feasibility. Later that evening, Formé was awarded the $10,000 prize as the winner of this award which will fund their community project and continuing efforts.

We want to thank United Healthcare and their representatives for this recognition. It is extremely gratifying to know that our efforts for the past few years to help our community through our affordable medical membership plans are being acknowledged and supported”, states Gina Cappelli, Founder and President of Formé.

We would also like to send a special thank you to our team for the hard work and support for our mission! When you work hard together and believe in the mission… you will see the results”.

Being chosen as the winner of such a prestigious award reinforces the fact that our mission to provide healthcare for the underserved and uninsured members of our community is an extremely powerful one”, said Maria Trusa, CEO of Formé Medical Center.

It is the mission of Formé Medical Center and Urgent Care to improve the health and well-being of community members by offering affordable, high-quality and compassionate healthcare to everyone, regardless of their culture and economic background.

We have found the solution to many of the issues within the broken healthcare system. This award gives us fuel to continue to work hard to close the gap between the healthcare received by the affluent verses the underserved community,” Trusa said.

For more information contact:
Alejandra Chaparro
Public Relations

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