Coronavirus Update

Coronavirus Update

In the United States, recovered cases and immunization campaigns are making quick progress, although still the number of cases is too high. Scientists continue to study the virus and its behavior before and after vaccination, as well as people who have shown immunity to the virus or side effects to…


How long after COVID can I take the Coronavirus vaccine?

How long after COVID can I take the Coronavirus vaccine?

COVID-19 is a powerful sickness, we do not know all about it yet, but we do know for sure that the coronavirus vaccine is our best shot towards being safe again and ending the pandemic. The vaccine will improve your immune system and cause a better antibody reaction in case…


Do I need the Coronavirus vaccine if I had COVID before?

Do I need the Coronavirus vaccine if I had COVID before?

Scientists from all around the world have united; they worked hard to come up with a coronavirus vaccine as soon as possible, and they actually came up with more than one option. All of the developed vaccines work by teaching the body’s immune system to safely recognize and block the…


How to prepare for coronavirus vaccine?

How to prepare for coronavirus vaccine?

There are still many questions regarding COVID and coronavirus vaccine, but what is certain, is that the vaccine is what will help us go back to normal as soon as possible. Since there are more vaccines available and more Medical Centers and Hospitals that are currently providing it, more questions…


How does the COVID-19 vaccine work?

How does the COVID-19 vaccine work?

The application of a vaccine against COVID-19 is currently the only alternative to end the pandemic; but surely you, like many others, must have doubts about how it works and its benefits, so below we will answer some of the most common questions. What covid vaccines have been approved and…


¿Does COVID-19 have long-term effects?

Does COVID-19 have long-term effects?

Since COVID-19 was discovered in China by the end of 2019, all eyes were on the identification of both the origin and the cure of the virus. Consequently, this year has been distinguished by the massive vaccination of prioritized population towards cutting the chains of transmission and the high mortality…


Who is eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine in the United States?

Who is eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine in the United States?

More than 150 million people in the United States are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine, but each state has been forced to prioritize some people over many others based on additional characteristics. In this article, Formé would like to remind you what are the requirements to be met and what…


5 Common Questions about the COVID-19 Vaccine

5 Common Questions about the COVID-19 Vaccine

Now that the country has different COVID-19 vaccines authorized for application, it is essential that the population clarifies their doubts and agrees to be part of the national plan to stop the coronavirus pandemic. A lot has been said about the different vaccines against COVID-19, but in general, the most…


Telemedicine, a Measure Against Covid-19

Telemedicine, a Measure Against Covid-19

It is no secret that Coronavirus is currently the issue that dominates agendas worldwide. Something totally understandable for what WHO says is a pandemic, thus defined according to its rapid spread around the globe. It is the uncertainty that surely takes over many patients and health workers, knowing moment by…
